Tuesday, January 27, 2015

TUNEY TUESDAY l feat. Pvris

Pvris is that band that reminds me of the music I discovered when I was 13 and their music takes me straight back to that time. A time of discovering bands like All Time Low, You Me At Six, Simple Plan and many more. Some of these bands I don't really listen to anymore and others, like Paramore, have become favorite bands. Not that Pvris is necessarily within the same genre or style but as soon as the music is a mix of rock, punk and pop I instantly feel like I'm with an old friend again - is that just weird in weird-weird way or in a yeah-I-feel-like-that-too way? Anyway, Pvris does that for me. 

As with many other musicians their style is a mix of many genes and sub-genres but it's mainly a mix of rock and pop. I discovered their music through Charlavail (I'm pretty sure boyfriend was involved in producing Pvris' album , but I'm not completely sure) and I'm glad I did. Giving a huge thank to social media for many of my music discoveries because most of the music I've been introduced to never really make it to the Danish radios. White Noise was their first full-length album and it was released in 2014, and the band is currently on tour. Sadly, they're not swinging by Denmark any time soon to my knowledge - why do bands insist on calling their tours "world tours" and then only play shows in America and the UK? I'll have to make do with pics from the show, put on the vinyl, (which I've ordered in Copenhagen, fingers crossed it gets here soon), and then will my imagination into convincing me I'm actually at the show. 

As they've only released one full-length album the playlist is heavily marked by that album. However, Spotify had some singles from different sessions and such. Hope you enjoy! 

xx Sisse  

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